A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>woodpecker</span>

Tag: woodpecker

Birding at James Farm Ecological Preserve: Featuring a Hermit Thrush (11/19/24)

We first birded from the parking lot to the bay and back again. Some of the birds we identified were hermit thrush, golden-crowned kinglet, bald eagle, great blue heron, eastern bluebird, belted kingfisher, hairy woodpecker, and American robin. We estimated about 50 brants were swimming …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Downy Woodpecker (11/6/24)

I went on a field trip with the Sussex Bird Club to Cape Henlopen State Park. First, we walked around the 2.6-mile-long Walking Dunes Trail. Some of the birds we identified along this trail included red-winged blackbird, downy woodpecker, brown-headed nuthatch, Cooper’s hawk, northern harrier, …

Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring an Eastern Phoebe (10/5/24)

Some of the birds we identified at the Visitor’s Center were northern flicker, downy woodpecker, blue jay, and American robin. Birds identified along the Boardwalk Trail included brown thrasher, eastern phoebe, great blue heron, red-winged blackbird, gray catbird, Carolina wren, Canada goose, and northern cardinal. …

Birding at Chincoteague Island Nature Trail: Featuring American Robins (9/13/24)

We birded the main trail loop on the south side of the road. We briefly saw an adult red-headed woodpecker in a dead tree at a moderate distance. Other birds identified along this trail included Baltimore oriole, white-eyed vireo, black vulture, laughing gull, great blue …