A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>turnstone</span>

Tag: turnstone

Birding at Assateague Island National Seashore: Featuring a Clapper Rail (6/1/22)

We covered five areas in Assateague Island National Seashore. Our first stop was at Life of the Marsh. Highlights in this area included the following birds: black vulture, great egret, least tern, ruddy turnstone, little blue heron, brown pelican (flock of seven), willet, semipalmated plover, …

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Bufflehead (3/21/22)

We went to two areas of the park. First, we started at Burton Island and saw three firsts of the season: osprey, great egret, and pine warbler. Other birds seen included bufflehead, red-breasted merganser, one greater scaup, black-crowned night-heron, tree swallow, boat-tailed grackle, house finch, …

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Black-Crowned Night Heron (12/16/21)

A field trip with the Sussex Bird Club took us to Delaware Seashore State Park. We birded the Indian River Inlet and beach first. Many northern gannets were scene and were relatively closer to the shore than normal. There were a few female long-tailed ducks …