A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>thrasher</span>

Tag: thrasher

Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring an Eastern Phoebe (10/5/24)

Some of the birds we identified at the Visitor’s Center were northern flicker, downy woodpecker, blue jay, and American robin. Birds identified along the Boardwalk Trail included brown thrasher, eastern phoebe, great blue heron, red-winged blackbird, gray catbird, Carolina wren, Canada goose, and northern cardinal. …

Birding at Chincoteague Island Nature Trail: Featuring a Great-Crested Flycatcher (9/12/24)

We walked around the southern trail loop. The highlight was that we saw an immature red-headed woodpecker land on a tree near us. We also heard a northern waterthrush in the pond on the outside of the loop. Other birds we identified included Canada goose …

Birding at Assateague Island National Seashore: Featuring an Eastern Towhee (5/20/24)

This was our first visit to Assateague Island in seven months and we covered our usual four areas. The first stop was Life of the Marsh. Birds found in this are included willet, Forster’s tern, American oystercatcher, black-bellied plover, dunlin, laughing gull, ruddy turnstone, least …

Birding at Assateague Island National Seashore – Featuring an Eastern Phoebe (10/10/23)

We covered four areas starting with Bayside Point. There wasn’t much there as we only identified downy woodpecker, Carolina wren, northern flicker, laughing gull, and gray catbird. The Life of the Marsh Trail was the most productive trail as we identified 23 species there. Some …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (10/7/22)

On this great weather day, we venture to Cape Henlopen State Park. The first stop was along Gordon’s Pond Trail (North side) where we identified 36 species. There was a lot of activity in the trees bordering the parking lot including red-breasted nuthatch, yellow-billed cuckoo, …