A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>swallow</span>

Tag: swallow

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a White-Throated Sparrow (3/16/23)

We covered four areas of the refuge. The only birds by the Visitor’s Center were turkey vultures and a soaring adult bald eagle. Some of the birds identified along the Dike Trail included Forster’s tern, green-winged teal, great egret, mallard, black vulture, northern harrier, American …

Birding at DuPont Nature Center: Featuring a Seaside Sparrow (7/26/22)

Our second stop in the morning was the DuPont Nature Center. Some of the birds we saw there from the observation platform were osprey, barn swallow, American oystercatcher, brown pelican, red knot (1), double-crested cormorant, semipalmated plover, dunlin, great blue heron, Canada goose, sanderling, ruddy …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Green Heron (7/12/22)

We birded the southern half of Gordon’s Pond Trail this morning. Some of the birds we identified included indigo bunting, blue grosbeak, orchard oriole, bald eagle (2), red-winged blackbird, green heron, snowy egret, great egret, brown-headed cowbird, chimney swift, pine warbler, red-shouldered hawk, laughing gull, …