A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>seabirds and gulls</span>

Tag: seabirds and gulls

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Northern Shoveler (1/24/22)

We started birding along the south side of Gordon’s Pond Trail. The pond was partially frozen due to the cold weather we were having recently. Some of the birds we saw were American black duck, northern shoveler, northern pintail, mallard, yellow-rumped warbler, sharp-shinned hawk, belted …

Birding at DuPont Nature Center: Featuring a Ring-Billed Gull (12/22/21)

Our first stop was at the DuPont Nature Center. We saw two bald eagles (one adult and one immature), three gull species (great black-backed, ring-billed, and herring), bufflehead, northern harrier, a small flock of greater yellowlegs, dozens of dunlins, one black-bellied plover, and a few …

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Black-Crowned Night Heron (12/16/21)

A field trip with the Sussex Bird Club took us to Delaware Seashore State Park. We birded the Indian River Inlet and beach first. Many northern gannets were scene and were relatively closer to the shore than normal. There were a few female long-tailed ducks …

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring an Eastern Bluebird (11/20/21)

I went on a field trip this morning with the Sussex Bird Club to Assawoman State Wildlife Area. We started in the field behind the entrance parking lot. Birds we identified here included eastern bluebird, chipping sparrow, several hermit thrushes, pine warbler, and white-throated sparrow. …