A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>perching birds</span>

Tag: perching birds

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Dark-Eyed Junco (2/28/22)

We went to the Hawk Watch platform first and then took the trail to the beach. The birds we identified were northern gannet, yellow-rumped warbler, lesser and greater black-backed gulls, ring-billed gull, a small flock of sanderlings, two horned grebes, red-throated loon, double-crested cormorant, dark-eyed …

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring a Blue-Winged Teal (2/12/22)

In the field by the entrance parking lot, we saw eastern bluebirds, several of which were landing on top of the bluebird boxes. Other birds seen here included yellow-rumped warbler, chipping sparrow, and Carolina chickadee. Next, we went to Sassafras Landing but it was very …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Northern Shoveler (1/24/22)

We started birding along the south side of Gordon’s Pond Trail. The pond was partially frozen due to the cold weather we were having recently. Some of the birds we saw were American black duck, northern shoveler, northern pintail, mallard, yellow-rumped warbler, sharp-shinned hawk, belted …