A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>pelican</span>

Tag: pelican

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (10/7/22)

On this great weather day, we venture to Cape Henlopen State Park. The first stop was along Gordon’s Pond Trail (North side) where we identified 36 species. There was a lot of activity in the trees bordering the parking lot including red-breasted nuthatch, yellow-billed cuckoo, …

Birding at DuPont Nature Center: Featuring a Seaside Sparrow (7/26/22)

Our second stop in the morning was the DuPont Nature Center. Some of the birds we saw there from the observation platform were osprey, barn swallow, American oystercatcher, brown pelican, red knot (1), double-crested cormorant, semipalmated plover, dunlin, great blue heron, Canada goose, sanderling, ruddy …

Birding at Assateague Island National Seashore: Featuring a Clapper Rail (6/1/22)

We covered five areas in Assateague Island National Seashore. Our first stop was at Life of the Marsh. Highlights in this area included the following birds: black vulture, great egret, least tern, ruddy turnstone, little blue heron, brown pelican (flock of seven), willet, semipalmated plover, …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Song Sparrow (11/17/21)

We birded in four locations in the park this morning. The first stop was the fishing pier where we saw 17 species. Among them were northern mockingbird, song sparrow, yellow-rumped warbler, royal tern, herring gull, brown pelican, Savannah sparrow, bufflehead, hooded merganser, sanderling, Forster’s tern, …