A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>ibis</span>

Tag: ibis

Birding at Ocean City Welcome Center – Featuring a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (5/13/23)

The vantage point from the parking lot overlooking the rookery was spectacular. Birds, mostly herons, egrets, and ibises, were busy flying in and out. Many were nesting and some had eggs. Some of the birds we saw were yellow-crowned night heron, black-crowned night heron, great …

Birding at Honeymoon Island State Park – Featuring Red Knots (1/24/23)

We went to Honeymoon Island State Park and birded in three areas. The first stop was the Nature Center area. The tide was very low but some of the birds we identified included American white pelican, tricolored heron, yellow-rumped warbler, red-breasted merganser, killdeer, roseate spoonbill, …