A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>gadwall</span>

Tag: gadwall

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring an American White Pelican (11/18/22)

Our first stop at the Visitor’s Center yielded only five species: turkey vulture, American crow, house finch, Carolina wren, and tufted titmouse. The Leeds Eco-Trail only yielded blue jay and American crow. We identified 24 species along Wildlife Drive. The two highlights were a flock …

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring a Blue-Winged Teal (2/12/22)

In the field by the entrance parking lot, we saw eastern bluebirds, several of which were landing on top of the bluebird boxes. Other birds seen here included yellow-rumped warbler, chipping sparrow, and Carolina chickadee. Next, we went to Sassafras Landing but it was very …

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring an Eastern Bluebird (11/20/21)

I went on a field trip this morning with the Sussex Bird Club to Assawoman State Wildlife Area. We started in the field behind the entrance parking lot. Birds we identified here included eastern bluebird, chipping sparrow, several hermit thrushes, pine warbler, and white-throated sparrow. …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Song Sparrow (11/17/21)

We birded in four locations in the park this morning. The first stop was the fishing pier where we saw 17 species. Among them were northern mockingbird, song sparrow, yellow-rumped warbler, royal tern, herring gull, brown pelican, Savannah sparrow, bufflehead, hooded merganser, sanderling, Forster’s tern, …