A collection of my bird and nature photos
Tag: <span>bufflehead</span>

Tag: bufflehead

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring an American White Pelican (11/18/22)

Our first stop at the Visitor’s Center yielded only five species: turkey vulture, American crow, house finch, Carolina wren, and tufted titmouse. The Leeds Eco-Trail only yielded blue jay and American crow. We identified 24 species along Wildlife Drive. The two highlights were a flock …

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Bufflehead (3/21/22)

We went to two areas of the park. First, we started at Burton Island and saw three firsts of the season: osprey, great egret, and pine warbler. Other birds seen included bufflehead, red-breasted merganser, one greater scaup, black-crowned night-heron, tree swallow, boat-tailed grackle, house finch, …

Birding at Assawoman State Wildlife Area: Featuring a Blue-Winged Teal (2/12/22)

In the field by the entrance parking lot, we saw eastern bluebirds, several of which were landing on top of the bluebird boxes. Other birds seen here included yellow-rumped warbler, chipping sparrow, and Carolina chickadee. Next, we went to Sassafras Landing but it was very …