Perching Birds Image collection of perching birds. Click on a thumbnail image below to see the full image. Boat-Tailed Grackle Song Sparrow Carolina Chickadee Northern Mockingbird Brown-Headed Nuthatch Carolina Chickadee Northern Cardinal Tufted Titmouse Yellow-Rumped Warbler Yellow-Rumped Warbler Common Raven Eastern Bluebird Yellow-Rumped Warbler American Robins Eastern Towhee Northern Mockingbird American Robin Northern Rough-Winged-Swallow Yellow-Rumped Warbler Eastern Phoebe Downy Woodpecker Carolina Chickadee Palm Warbler Eastern Phoebe Brown Thrasher American Goldfinch Blue Grosbeak Carolina Chickadee Eastern Phoebe Northern Parula « ‹ of 20 › »