Perching Birds Image collection of perching birds. Click on a thumbnail image below to see the full image. House Wren Barn Swallow Seaside Sparrow American Goldfinch Blue Grosbeak Eastern Kingbird Red-Eyed Vireo Red-Winged Blackbird Worm-Eating Warbler Eastern Wood-Peewee Chipping Sparrow American Robin Yellow Warbler Red-Winged Blackbird Orchard Oriole Chipping Sparrow Barn Swallow Red-Winged Blackbird American Goldfinch Savannah Sparrow American Robin Field Sparrow Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher Purple Martin Mourning Dove Chipping Sparrow Brown-Headed Cowbird Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher taking silk Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher in its nest American Robin « ‹ of 20 › »