A collection of my bird and nature photos
Category: <span>Yellow/Blue Trails</span>

Category: Yellow/Blue Trails

Birding at Cape May Point State Park: Featuring a Little Blue Heron (10/15/24)

We covered three areas of the park. Some birds we saw along the Red Trail and two overlooks included golden-crowned kinglet, yellow-rumped warbler, mallard, belted kingfisher, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper’s hawk, northern harrier (“gray ghost”), mute swan, green-winged teal, northern pintail, northern shoveler, and gadwall. We …

Birding at Cape May Point State Park: Featuring a Green-Winged Teal (11/19/23)

We started in the parking lot area and only identified mute swan (group flying), northern mockingbird, and eastern bluebird. The Duck Pond Trail was productive with 22 species identified including mute swan, American wigeon, Eurasian wigeon, Canada goose, gadwall, American coot, green-winged teal, northern pintail, …

Birding at Cape May Point State Park – Featuring a Canada Goose (Gosling) (5/15/23)

We covered two areas of the park. Birds identified along the Red Trail (and a little of the Yellow/Blue Trails) included purple martin, mallard, indigo bunting, Canada goose, Carolina chickadee, mute swan, pine warbler, great-crested flycatcher, laughing gull, white-eyed vireo, common tern, common yellowthroat, red-winged …

Birding at Cape May Point State Park – Featuring a Mute Swan (5/12/23)

We covered three areas of the park. Our first stop was the Red Trail where we identified 27 species. Among the birds we identified were worm-eating warbler, northern mockingbird, mute swan, Forster’s tern, red-winged blackbird, killdeer, common yellowthroat, least tern, wood thrush, purple martin, pine …