A collection of my bird and nature photos
Category: <span>Wildlife Drive</span>

Category: Wildlife Drive

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring a Peregrine Falcon (11/17/23)

In the parking lot and Visitor’s Center area, we identified American robin, blue jay, American crow, white-breasted nuthatch, and Carolina chickadee. A few of the birds we identified along the Bristow Trail were red-winged blackbird, great blue heron, and northern flicker. Some of the birds …

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR – Featuring a Black Skimmer (5/14/23)

We covered five areas of the refuge today. By the Visitor’s Center, we identified Canada goose, indigo bunting, purple martin, and brown-headed cowbird, among others. Along the Leeds Eco Trail, we identified 16 species including snowy egret, osprey, glossy ibis, tree swallow, barn swallow, clapper …

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring an American White Pelican (11/18/22)

Our first stop at the Visitor’s Center yielded only five species: turkey vulture, American crow, house finch, Carolina wren, and tufted titmouse. The Leeds Eco-Trail only yielded blue jay and American crow. We identified 24 species along Wildlife Drive. The two highlights were a flock …

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (10/3/21)

We birded here for the first time in three years. We started on Wildlife Drive with our first stop on the Leeds Eco-Trail. Birds identified along this trail included immature little blue heron, tree swallow, belted kingfisher, great egret, and great blue heron. We identified …