A collection of my bird and nature photos
Category: <span>Florida Locations</span>

Category: Florida Locations

Birding at Venice Audubon Society Rookery: Featuring a Great Egret (1/19/24)

This was our first time visiting the Venice Audubon Society Rookery. Some birds were nesting on the rookery island and we saw a double-crested cormorant with a juvenile in the nest. Other birds we saw included common gallinule, anhinga, bald eagle, black-crowned night heron, northern …

Birding at Honeymoon Island State Park – Featuring Red Knots (1/24/23)

We went to Honeymoon Island State Park and birded in three areas. The first stop was the Nature Center area. The tide was very low but some of the birds we identified included American white pelican, tricolored heron, yellow-rumped warbler, red-breasted merganser, killdeer, roseate spoonbill, …