A collection of my bird and nature photos
Category: <span>Gordon’s Pond</span>

Category: Gordon’s Pond

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Golden-Crowned Kinglet (10/25/24)

We went to the southern end of Gordon’s Pond Trail and walked from the parking lot to just beyond the one-mile marker. Birds we identified along this trail included yellow-rumped warbler, great blue heron, golden-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned kinglet, white ibis (a few imms.), black-bellied plover, …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Yellow-Rumped Warbler (3/14/24)

We covered two areas of the park. First, we took the north part of Gordon’s Pond trail from the parking lot to Bench 5. Birds we saw along this trail included northern cardinal, dark-eyed junco, pine warbler, eastern bluebird, yellow-rumped warbler, osprey, killdeer, great blue …

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park – Featuring a Northern Harrier (2/14/23)

We walked along the south side of Gordon’s Pond Trail to a point beyond the observation deck near the next bench. The following birds were identified along our walk: song sparrow, great blue heron, American black duck, turkey vulture, white-breasted nuthatch, brown-headed nuthatch, Carolina chickadee, …