A collection of my bird and nature photos
Category: <span>Dike Trail</span>

Category: Dike Trail

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a Great Blue Heron (6/20/23)

We covered two areas of the refuge on this cloudy morning. Some of the birds we identified near the Visitor’s Center included purple martin, northern mockingbird, great blue heron, common yellowthroat, house wren, American robin, brown-headed cowbird, and a flock of double-crested cormorants. The water …

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a White-Throated Sparrow (3/16/23)

We covered four areas of the refuge. The only birds by the Visitor’s Center were turkey vultures and a soaring adult bald eagle. Some of the birds identified along the Dike Trail included Forster’s tern, green-winged teal, great egret, mallard, black vulture, northern harrier, American …

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring an Eastern Screech-Owl (1/10/23)

We walked in four areas of the refuge this afternoon. The only birds we identified near the Visitor’s Center were turkey vulture and tufted titmouse. Birds seen along the Dike Trail included great blue heron, northern cardinal, belted kingfisher, mallard (pair), Canada goose, and northern …

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring an Eastern Screech-Owl (12/13/22)

My first of four stops was in the area around the Visitor’s Center. Some of the birds I identified there was Carolina wren, northern mockingbird, dark-eyed junco, and white-throated sparrow. Birds I saw along the Dike Trail included song sparrow, American goldfinch, northern flicker, Carolina …