A collection of my bird and nature photos
Rich Giannola Photos


Birding at Sand Key Park: Featuring an American Oystercatcher (1/26/24)

We walked along the beach behind the park from the inlet jetty to the high-rise buildings. Some of the birds we saw included royal tern, least tern, sandwich tern, Forster’s tern, semipalmated plover, anhinga, American oystercatcher, ruddy turnstone, willet, black-bellied plover, western sandpiper, sanderling, brown …

Birding at Largo Central Park Nature Preserve: Featuring a Purple Gallinule (1/26/24)

As we did two days ago, we walked around the pond first, then we walked the trail by the creek and golf course. Birds we saw today included purple gallinule, common gallinule, yellow-crowned night heron, anhinga, white ibis, tricolored heron, limpkin, great blue heron, monk …