A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary: Featuring a Baltimore Oriole (6/18/22)

Birding at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary: Featuring a Baltimore Oriole (6/18/22)

Today’s outing took us to the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary in eastern Cape Cod. We birded along the Goose Pond Trail, Bay View Trail (western part), and Silver Spring Trail. There was a lot of bird activity near the Nature Center including a nesting pair of Baltimore Orioles feeding their young. Some of the other birds we identified included great-crested flycatcher, green heron, eastern towhee, osprey, pine warbler, snowy egret, barn swallow, eastern kingbird, purple martin, red-breasted nuthatch, willet, blue jay, northern flicker, and common yellowthroat.

MY PHOTOS: Baltimore oriole x 2, eastern towhee, green heron, osprey, great-crested flycatcher


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