We went through the park starting from the street. We walked along the pond first, then walked along the inlet to the beach. At the end of the inlet, we walked down the beach up to the high-rise buildings. Birds we saw along and in the pond included blue-gray gnatcatcher, great egret, yellow-rumped warbler, reddish egret, blue-winged teal, and mallard. Other birds we saw included, palm warbler, nanday parakeet, black skimmer (2), royal tern (most dominant bird on the beach), dunlin, black-bellied plover, ruddy turnstone, sanderling, willet, brown pelican, ruddy turnstone, osprey, and Forster’s tern.
MY PHOTOS: royal tern x 2, osprey, reddish egret, brown pelican, black skimmer, blue-winged teal, nanday parakeet