A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR Fowler Beach: Featuring Snow Geese (2/6/21)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR Fowler Beach: Featuring Snow Geese (2/6/21)

We went to Fowler Beach which is a part of Prime Hook NWR. Before we parked in the parking lot before the gate to Fowler Beach, we stopped on the way at a field near the corner of Thirteen Curves Road and Cods Road. There were at least 1,000 snow geese on this farm. We also saw a turkey vulture and a song sparrow before we moved on. After we parked in the parking lot, we walked to the beach. In the water at the beach were maybe up to 2,000 snow geese. They slowly drifted to the shoreline and many of them walked onto the beach. We watched this for at least 30 minutes until they suddenly flew away due to some people walking from the path to the beach. Other birds seen on the beach and in the water included sanderlings, one dunlin, and great black-backed, herring, and ring-billed gulls. We saw several Savannah sparrows on the beach near the fence. Back on land in the fields near the parking lot, we saw several short-eared owls, northern harriers, and an eastern meadowlark. We also saw three adult bald eagles this afternoon.

MY PHOTOS: snow geese x 7


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