A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring Ospreys (4/4/23)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring Ospreys (4/4/23)

The refuge was very active with birds. We saw our first sightings of purple martins by the Visitor’s Center and a northern harrier on the road to the Visitor’s Center. Other birds seen here included house finch, American goldfinch, red-winged blackbird, and American robin. We identified 31 species along the Dike Trail. Some of these birds were mallard, ospreys (two in a nest at the end of the trail), northern flicker, greater yellowlegs, bald eagle (2 imm.), killdeer, laughing gull, dunlin, green-winged teal, tree swallow, Forster’s tern, black vulture, and Canada goose. Some of the birds we identified along the Boardwalk Trail included black-necked stilt (3), blue-gray gnatcatcher, green-winged teal, eastern towhee, song sparrow, and brown-headed cowbird.

MY PHTOS: osprey x 2, bald eagle, mallard, greater yellowlegs, black-necked stilt, northern flicker


Species Counted