A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring an Eastern Screech-Owl (1/10/23)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring an Eastern Screech-Owl (1/10/23)

We walked in four areas of the refuge this afternoon. The only birds we identified near the Visitor’s Center were turkey vulture and tufted titmouse. Birds seen along the Dike Trail included great blue heron, northern cardinal, belted kingfisher, mallard (pair), Canada goose, and northern harrier. Further along the trail where it opens up, we saw one snow goose, hooded merganser (4), and several sanderlings. Along the Boardwalk Trail, we saw bald eagle (3 adult), American black duck, mallard, black vulture, northern harrier, and red-bellied woodpecker. Our last stop was Foord’s Landing Road. We saw the eastern screech-owl in his favorite tree near the end of the road. Other birds identified as we walked towards the kayak launch were downy woodpecker, belted kingfisher, red-tailed hawk, and Carolina wren.

MY PHOTOS: eastern screech-owl, great blue heron, mallard


Species Counted