A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring an Eastern Kingbird (7/15/21)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring an Eastern Kingbird (7/15/21)

We birded three areas of the refuge today. The Visitor’s Center wasn’t very active but some of the birds we identified there included purple martin, house wren, northern mockingbird, and osprey. Along the Dike Trail, we identified 28 species including common yellowthroat, orchard oriole, cedar waxwing, great blue heron, eastern kingbird, a handful of short-billed dowitchers, least sandpiper, semipalmated plover, mallard (same pair that has been hanging around), blue grosbeak, and indigo bunting. We saw an immature bald eagle along the Boardwalk Trail. Also along this trail we saw two great-crested flycatchers, blue grosbeak, cedar waxwing, laughing gull, chipping sparrow, and osprey.

MY PHOTOS: eastern kingbird x 2, common yellowthroat, cedar waxwing, great blue heron


Species Counted