A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a White-Throated Sparrow (3/16/23)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a White-Throated Sparrow (3/16/23)

We covered four areas of the refuge. The only birds by the Visitor’s Center were turkey vultures and a soaring adult bald eagle. Some of the birds identified along the Dike Trail included Forster’s tern, green-winged teal, great egret, mallard, black vulture, northern harrier, American avocet (at least 10), northern pintail, tree swallow, dunlin (20 or so), and ring-billed gull. Along the Boardwalk Trail, birds we identified included Carolina chickadee, white-throated sparrow, northern cardinal, American black duck, swamp sparrow, Canada goose, northern flicker, and greater yellowlegs. Our last stop was along Foord’s Landing Road. We briefly saw the eastern screech-owl in its usual spot but it mostly stayed low inside the hole. The other four birds we identified here were red-winged blackbird, Carolina chickadee, turkey vulture, and Carolina wren.

MY PHOTOS: white-throated sparrow, American avocet, Forster’s tern, northern harrier, great blue heron, Carolina chickadee, mallard, black vulture


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