I went birding with several members of the Sussex Bird Club and we covered two areas of the refuge. Near the Visitor’s Center, we identified Carolina wren, mourning dove, barn swallow, and northern cardinal. Most of our time was spent on the Dike Trail where we identified 31 species. Some of the birds we saw along the Dike Trail included northern mockingbird, Forster’s tern, yellow warbler, snowy egret, great egret, great blue heron, white ibis (flock of imms.), osprey, marsh wren, belted kingfisher, laughing gull, black skimmer, semipalmated plover, semipalmated sandpiper, purple martin, Caspian tern, yellow-billed cuckoo, eastern phoebe, tree swallow, northern flicker, greater yellowlegs, and green heron.
MY PHOTOS: northern mockingbird, Forster’s tern, yellow warbler, snowy egret, great blue heron