We birded in three areas of the refuge starting in the Visitor’s Center area. The feeders were filled and this area was very active with birds. Among the ones we saw were red-bellied woodpecker, northern cardinal, song sparrow, red-winged blackbird, American goldfinch, and white-throated sparrow. Our second stop was along the Dike Trail. Some of the birds we saw here included one female bufflehead, four bald eagles (one adult and three immatures), northern shovelers, a few hundred dunlins, green-winged teal, northern pintails, and greater yellowlegs. Along the Boardwalk Trail we saw a ruby-crowned kinglet, green-winged teal, gadwalls, American black ducks, northern pintails, and three bald eagles (one adult and two immatures).
MY PHOTOS: northern cardinal, bald eagle, bufflehead, red-bellied woodpecker, song sparrow