I went to three areas of the refuge. The area by the Visitor’s Center was quiet. I identified a few of the remaining purple martins, Carolina wren, field sparrow, mourning dove, American goldfinch, and American crow. Birding picked up along the Dike Trail where I identified 23 species including osprey, white ibis (imm. flock of about 40), semipalmated sandpiper, semipalmated plover, Caspian tern, great blue heron, bald eagle, short-billed dowitcher, Forster’s tern, snowy egret, great egret, northern flicker, American black duck (small flock), herring gull, and laughing gull. The Boardwalk Trail was quiet and I only identified tree swallow, fish crow, northern mockingbird, mourning dove, northern cardinal, northern flicker, and laughing gull.
MY PHOTOS: great blue heron, semipalmated plover, northern flicker, American black duck, white ibis