A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring a Carolina Chickadee (12/12/23)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR: Featuring a Carolina Chickadee (12/12/23)

Out first stop was at the end of Foord’s Landing Road. We found the eastern screech-owl sitting in its usual knothole in its favorite tree. Other birds identified in this area were Carolina wren, American crow, northern flicker, red-bellied woodpecker, and ruby-crowned kinglet. From a short stop at the Visitor’s Center, we saw turkey vulture and house finch. The Boardwalk Trail was next and it just opened after being replaced. Some of the birds identified along that trail were bald eagle (2), eastern towhee, black vulture, American black duck, swamp sparrow, northern harrier, and greater yellowlegs. Our last stop was the Dike Trail. Birds we identified along the trail included Carolina chickadee, northern mockingbird, downy woodpecker, belted kingfisher, Canada goose, green-winged teal, northern pintail, red-winged blackbird, northern cardinal, gray catbird, and northern shoveler.

MY PHOTOS: Carolina chickadee, northern mockingbird, black vulture


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