A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a Barn Swallow (8/1/23)

Birding at Prime Hook NWR – Featuring a Barn Swallow (8/1/23)

It was a clear morning but somewhat hazy and smoky due to the Canadian wildfires. We covered three areas. Near the Visitor’s Center, we saw purple martin, fish crow, northern mockingbird, American goldfinch, ruby-throated hummingbird (on the trumpet honeysuckle), and common grackle. Some of the birds we identified along the Dike Trail included osprey, barn swallow, eastern kingbird, red-winged blackbird, short-billed dowitcher, blue grosbeak, black skimmer, American bittern (by the water near the beginning of the trail), semipalmated plover, indigo bunting, royal tern, Carolina wren, yellow warbler, least sandpiper, tree swallow, herring gull, and field sparrow. The last trail we took was the Boardwalk Trail. Some of the birds we identified here were white-eyed vireo, common yellowthroat, snowy egret, lesser yellowlegs, glossy ibis, spotted sandpiper, eastern towhee, blue-gray gnatcatcher, eastern wood-peewee, indigo bunting, blue grosbeak, and black vulture.

MY PHOTOS: barn swallow, osprey, red-winged blackbird, eastern kingbird, blue grosbeak, short-billed dowitcher


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