A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Philippe Park: Featuring a Great-Horned Owl (1/23/24)

Birding at Philippe Park: Featuring a Great-Horned Owl (1/23/24)

We birded various areas of the park. The great-horned owl was in the same tree we’ve seen it in the past, between Picnic Areas 7 and 2. Other birds seen in the park included anhinga, red-bellied woodpecker, osprey, white ibis, spotted sandpiper, royal tern, roseate spoonbill (2 flying low over the water), Forster’s tern, yellow-bellied sapsucker, brown pelican, double-crested cormorant, little blue heron, and yellow-rumped warbler.

MY PHOTOS: great-horned owl, anhinga, osprey, red-bellied woodpecker, white ibis, spotted sandpiper, royal tern


Species Counted


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