A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Myakka River State Park: Featuring a Roseate Spoonbill (1/19/24)

Birding at Myakka River State Park: Featuring a Roseate Spoonbill (1/19/24)

We started our Florida bird trip in Myakka River State Park. The first stop was Stop 16 near the bridge over the Wild and Scenic River. Some of the birds we identified there were red-shouldered hawk (pale South Florida phase), roseate spoonbill, red-bellied woodpecker, common gallinule, white ibis, and palm warbler. Our second stop was the Weir area. Birds we identified there included roseate spoonbill, American kestrel, anhinga, eastern phoebe, blue-gray gnatcatcher, little blue heron, and yellow-rumped warbler. Our last stop was at the Birdwalk which was repaired since last year at this time. Birds we saw there included great blue heron, glossy ibis, osprey, black-bellied plover, stilt sandpiper, green-winged teal, blue-winged teal, tricolored heron, white ibis, and killdeer.

MY PHOTOS: roseate spoonbill, limpkin, red-bellied woodpecker, eastern phoebe, osprey, red-shouldered hawk, great blue heron


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