A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Largo Central Park Nature Preserve – Featuring Muscovy Ducks (1/25/23)

Birding at Largo Central Park Nature Preserve – Featuring Muscovy Ducks (1/25/23)

This was our second trip to in three days to Largo Central Park Nature Preserve. We took mostly the same trails along the boardwalk around the pond and then the trail by the creek and around past the golf course to the shortcut to the pond and parking lot. Birds that we saw included common gallinule, American anhinga, yellow-crowned night heron, white ibis, red-tailed hawk, eastern phoebe, Muscovy duck (with three ducklings), limpkin, osprey, blue jay, great blue heron, brown pelican, pied-billed grebe, blue-gray gnatcatcher, yellow-rumped warbler, tricolored heron, roseate spoonbill, little blue heron, snowy egret, great egret, American anhinga, and boat-tailed grackle.

MY PHOTOS: muscovy duck, mallard, white ibis, yellow-crowned night heron, American anhinga, common gallinule, red-tailed hawk, limpkin


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