We walked around the pond first, then we walked the trail by the creek and golf course. We saw many birds in these areas including boat-tailed grackle, yellow-crowned night heron, common gallinule, double-crested cormorant, limpkin, purple gallinule, white ibis, muscovy duck, tricolored heron, anhinga, pied-billed grebe, northern shoveler, little blue heron, bald eagle (one adult and one immature on top of the nearest electrical tower), and blue jay.
MY PHOTOS: yellow-crowned night heron, white ibis, purple gallinule, northern shoveler, muscovy duck, little blue heron, limpkin, boat-tailed grackle

Awesome pics. Such a nice day
Thanks. Yes, it was a nice day. We went there again two days later. I’m working on my blog to catch up to that day, too.