We birded from the parking lot near the Visitor’s Center to the Observation Tower and back (along the north part of the main trail). There were at least 100 tree swallows flying over the impoundment. A small group of rough-winged swallows landed in a tree along the trail. In the impoundment there were scores of Canada geese, several mute swans (adults and immatures), ruddy ducks, mallards, a few pied-billed grebes, a few double-crested cormorants, and American wigeons. An osprey, sharp-shinned hawk, and a bald eagle flew overhead. Other birds seen included yellow warbler, American robin, swamp sparrow, Forster’s tern, ring-billed gull, downy woodpecker, one rusty blackbird, song sparrow, and turkey vulture.
MY PHOTOS: yellow-rumped warbler, northern rough-winged swallow, American robin, mute swan, Canada goose