A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at John Chesnut Sr. Park – Featuring a Limpkin (1/26/23)

Birding at John Chesnut Sr. Park – Featuring a Limpkin (1/26/23)

Our first stop in Palm Harbor today was John Chesnut Sr. Park. We birded in two areas of the park. The first area started by the boat ramp and we walked along the boardwalk (including the tower) to where it ended, then we turned around. It gave us good views along the lakeshore. Birds we identified here included limpkin, tufted titmouse, northern cardinal, little blue heron, common gallinule, American anhinga, yellow-rumped warbler, bald eagle (imm.), American coot, palm warbler, tricolored heron, blue jay, and osprey. We drove to the second, more northerly area and stopped near Picnic Shelter 10. We walked around that area and also crossed the street to the pond. Some of the birds we identified here were red-bellied woodpecker, American robin, eastern phoebe, palm warbler, American anhinga, and turkey vulture.

MY PHOTOS: limpkin, tufted titmouse, northern cardinal, common gallinule, little blue heron, yellow-rumped warbler, red-bellied woodpecker


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