A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Honeymoon Island State Park – Featuring Red Knots (1/24/23)

Birding at Honeymoon Island State Park – Featuring Red Knots (1/24/23)

We went to Honeymoon Island State Park and birded in three areas. The first stop was the Nature Center area. The tide was very low but some of the birds we identified included American white pelican, tricolored heron, yellow-rumped warbler, red-breasted merganser, killdeer, roseate spoonbill, and little blue heron. Our next trail was the Osprey Trail. There were a lot of ospreys here but no sign of the great-horned owl that usually nests here. Perhaps it was too early to start nesting. At the end of the trail were two bald eagles including one in the nest. Other birds seen along the trail included red-bellied woodpecker, northern mockingbird, eastern towhee, pine warbler, white ibis, palm warbler, American robin, and great egret. Our last stop was at the North Beach. We saw a group of about 15 red knots along the shore. Other birds seen included tricolored heron, double-crested cormorant, brown pelican, killdeer, laughing gull, ruddy turnstone, black-bellied plover, and semipalmated plover.

MY PHOTOS: red knots, bald eagle, northern mockingbird, osprey, red-bellied woodpecker, killdeer, brown pelican


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