A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Hibernia County Park – Featuring an Eastern Bluebird (11/11/23)

Birding at Hibernia County Park – Featuring an Eastern Bluebird (11/11/23)

We started from the parking lot by the boat ramp on the west side of the lake. From there, we walked along the west side of the lake to the northwest where we took the trail along the dike to near its end. We saw these seven species of waterfowl on the lake: bufflehead, ruddy duck, mallard, Canada goose, hooded merganser, ring-necked duck, and wood duck. Other birds we identified were eastern bluebird (many near the boat ramp trees), red-bellied woodpecker, Carolina wren, brown creeper, blue jay, American crow, cedar waxwing, song sparrow, American robin, northern mockingbird, northern cardinal, American goldfinch, great blue heron, turkey vulture, house finch, downy woodpecker, white-throated sparrow, red-shouldered hawk, eastern towhee, and belted kingfisher.

MY PHOTOS: eastern bluebird, red-bellied woodpecker, Canada goose, mallard, ruddy duck, red-shouldered hawk


Species Counted