A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Hibernia County Park: Featuring a Song Sparrow (6/10/21)

Birding at Hibernia County Park: Featuring a Song Sparrow (6/10/21)

We birded in two areas of the park. The first area we walked through was the southwest side of Chambers Lake, from the parking lot and along the roadside to the north. The grass path along the lake that we usually take was overgrown so we did not take that path. Some of the birds we identified included osprey, red-winged blackbird, Canada goose, cedar waxwing, yellow warbler, common yellowthroat, song sparrow, American goldfinch, and eastern wood-peewee. Next, we drove to the Mansion area and birded the grounds there and along some of Lions Head Drive. In these areas, birds we identified were wood thrush, ovenbird, eastern phoebe, chipping sparrow, chimney swift, and brown-headed cowbird.

MY PHOTOS: song sparrow, osprey, cedar waxwing

Species Counted