A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Fowler Beach: Featuring a Great Blue Heron (12/4/23)

Birding at Fowler Beach: Featuring a Great Blue Heron (12/4/23)

We walked from the parking lot to the beach and back. There was a raft of snow geese in the bay. Later, these and other snow geese flew in large flocks heading inland around 4:30PM. Earlier, we saw a flock of 8 tundra swans flying from near the water heading inland. Before we left the beach, a flock of 7 lesser scaups flew low over the water close to the beach heading north. Other birds identified today included sanderling, great blue heron, ring-billed gull, Savannah sparrow, swamp sparrow, surd scoter, bufflehead, red-throated loon, northern gannet, and northern harrier.

MY PHOTOS: great blue heron x 2, sanderling, ring-billed gull, tundra swan, lesser scaup


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