A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (10/3/21)

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (10/3/21)

We birded here for the first time in three years. We started on Wildlife Drive with our first stop on the Leeds Eco-Trail. Birds identified along this trail included immature little blue heron, tree swallow, belted kingfisher, great egret, and great blue heron. We identified 30 species along the main part of Wildlife Drive. Birds we found here included two snow geese (we heard they were injured and could not fly), Caspian tern, great egret, laughing gull, ring-billed gull, boat-tailed grackle, Savannah sparrow, tricolored heron, black-crowned night heron (one adult and one immature), an immature yellow-crowned night heron, and black-bellied plover. Ducks and geese included pied-billed grebe, northern shoveler, American black duck, northern pintail, mallard, double-crested cormorant, and Canada goose.

MY PHOTOS: yellow-crowned night heron, snow geese, snowy egret, great egret, boat-tailed grackle, ring-billed gull, Caspian tern


Species Counted