A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring a Bald Eagle (11/16/23)

Birding at Edwin B. Forsythe NWR: Featuring a Bald Eagle (11/16/23)

In the parking lot and Visitor’s Center area, we identified American robin, blue jay, and northern flicker. The Leeds Eco-Trail boardwalk was quiet and only produced swamp sparrow, American crow, and great blue heron. The majority of birds we identified were along Wildlife Drive. Some of the birds we identified there included ring-billed gull, northern pintail, mallard, great blue heron, mute swan, little blue heron (imm.), black-crowned night-heron (imm.), bald eagle (almost adult), common raven (pair), and dunlin. Other waterfowl seen included gadwall, ruddy duck, hooded merganser, pied-billed grebe, green-winged teal, northern shoveler, American black duck, American wigeon, bufflehead, brant, and black-bellied plover.

MY PHOTOS: bald eagle, mallard, northern pintail, black-crowned night-heron, great blue heron, mute swan, common raven, ring-billed gull


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