A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring Long-Tailed Ducks (1/30/24)

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring Long-Tailed Ducks (1/30/24)

I went on a field trip with the Sussex Bird Club this morning. Our first stop was at the Indian River Inlet. There were many long-tailed ducks in the inlet. Some great cormorants were on the tower at the end of the jetty. Other birds seen in this area included surf scoter, black scoter, common loon, red-breasted merganser, great black-backed gull, ring-billed gull, Bonaparte’s gull, herring gull, and brant (distant towards the marina). Our second stop was at Burton Island. We couldn’t cross to the island because the causeway was closed for hunting. Some of the birds we saw were hooded merganser, yellow-rumped warbler, black-crowned night heron (3 or 4 in the trees in front of the boat warehouse), bufflehead, horned grebe, greater scaup, and red-winged blackbird.

MY PHOTOS: long-tailed duck x 2, surf scoter, black scoter, Bonaparte’s gull, ring-billed gull, great black-backed gull


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