A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Long-Tailed Duck (1/22/21)

Birding at Delaware Seashore State Park: Featuring a Long-Tailed Duck (1/22/21)

First, we stopped at Burton Island. As we knew in advance, the path to the island was blocked because hunters were actively shooting waterfowl. Nonetheless, we birded a little from the parking lot a saw a large flock of Canada geese in the distance, great blue heron, double-crested cormorant, bufflehead, and ring-billed gull. That’s all we saw there and we headed next to the Indian River Inlet where we saw a lot of shorebirds. Among the birds we saw there were long-tailed ducks, Bonaparte’s gulls, Forster’s terns, one great cormorant on the tower at the end of the jetty, ruddy turnstones, dunlins, common eiders, buffleheads, one purple sandpiper, an immature bald eagle, and common and red-throated loons.

MY PHOTOS: long-tailed duck, Bonaparte’s gull, buffleheads, Canada geese, long-tailed ducks, ruddy turnstone


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