A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Chincoteague NWR: Featuring Marbled Godwits (9/12/24)

Birding at Chincoteague NWR: Featuring Marbled Godwits (9/12/24)

We birded in three areas of the refuge. Some of the birds we identified along the Woodland Trail included great egret, brown-headed nuthatch, white ibis, western cattle egret, and black vulture. We went along Beach Road next and the highlight was four marbled godwits in Swan Cove. Other birds we identified there included tricolored heron, bald eagle (2 adults flying in tandem), willet, royal tern, Forster’s tern, American crow, herring gull, and double-crested cormorant. We finished by the Visitor’s Center and some of the birds we identified there included black skimmer, royal tern, snowy egret, sandwich tern, marbled godwit (the same four), green heron, Canada goose, white ibis, willet, great egret, American goldfinch, and greater yellowlegs.

MY PHOTOS: marbled godwit, tricolored heron, great egret, bald eagle, white ibis, green heron, snowy egret


Species Counted

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