A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape May Point State Park: Featuring a Mute Swan (11/20/22)

Birding at Cape May Point State Park: Featuring a Mute Swan (11/20/22)

This was our first visit to Cape May Point State Park. We took the Red Trail first and most of the birds we saw were on the pond. These birds included American coot, mute swan, mallard, American wigeon, green-winged teal, northern shoveler, hooded merganser, great blue heron, bufflehead, gadwall, and a yellow-rumped warbler in the woody part of the trail. Our second stop was on the Hawk Watch Platform that overlooked another pond. The highlight was seeing a Eurasian Wigeon among the American wigeons and gadwalls out where the two white poles were sticking out of the water. Other birds seen here included mute swan, ruddy duck, northern shoveler, ring-billed gull, gadwall, yellow-rumped warbler, American coot, northern pintail, and turkey vulture.

MY PHOTOS: mute swan, mallard, American wigeon, yellow-rumped warbler


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