A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Song Sparrow (1/13/25)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Song Sparrow (1/13/25)

The trails were still covered in snow in many places although the beach areas were mostly cleared. We birded in two areas of the park starting from the beach below The Point parking lot. The tide was low and we saw many brants and gulls and a black-bellied plover on the temporary islands. Other birds seen here included surf scoter, herring gull, ring-billed gull, great black-backed gull, and double-crested cormorant. We saw a song sparrow and several yellow-rumped warblers in the parking lot area. We scanned the beach from there and saw red-breasted merganser and red-throated loon. Next, we went to the fishing pier. Birds seen here included great blue heron, bufflehead, and great black-backed gull. When we left, we saw two bald eagles together fly by us in the parking lot.

MY PHOTOS: song sparrow, brant, ring-billed gull


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