We started birding along the south side of Gordon’s Pond Trail. The pond was partially frozen due to the cold weather we were having recently. Some of the birds we saw were American black duck, northern shoveler, northern pintail, mallard, yellow-rumped warbler, sharp-shinned hawk, belted kingfisher, great blue heron, song sparrow, ring-billed gull, and two mute swans. In addition, we saw large flocks of snow geese distantly to the west above the horizon. Next, we walked to Gordon’s Pond Beach. Along the beach we saw ring-billed gull, surf scoter, black scoter, sanderling, lesser black-backed gull, red-throated loon, and northern gannet.
MY PHOTOS: northern shoveler, great blue heron x 2, ring-billed gull, song sparrow, sharp-shinned hawk, belted kingfisher

Love the Blue Heron. I never heard of a Northern Shoveler never mind see one. It’s a beautiful bird. Thanks for sharing these special birds.
You’re welcome, Gail!