A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park – Featuring a House Finch (12/20/22)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park – Featuring a House Finch (12/20/22)

We birded in three areas of the park. Our first stop was the bay shore below The Point parking lot. The tide was low but no birds were feeding in the shallow areas. We saw several birds in the water and flying around including great black-backed gull, surf scoter, common loon, sanderling, red-breasted merganser, double-crested cormorant, Forster’s tern, northern gannet, and song sparrow. Next, we went to parts of the Seaside Nature Trail and by two of the primitive youth camps. Birds we identified there included yellow-rumped warbler, northern mockingbird, house finch, northern cardinal, red-breasted nuthatch, and dark-eyed junco. Our last stop was the fishing pier. Some of the birds we saw there were red-throated loon, surf scoter, double-crested cormorant, bufflehead, common loon, Forster’s tern, and herring gull. On the jetty in the distance was an adult bald eagle.

MY PHOTOS: house finch, yellow-rumped warbler, northern mockingbird, great black-backed gull, song sparrow


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