A collection of my bird and nature photos
Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Golden-Crowned Kinglet (1/12/24)

Birding at Cape Henlopen State Park: Featuring a Golden-Crowned Kinglet (1/12/24)

Our first stop was along the north side of Gordon’s Pond Trail. We walked from the parking lot to just past Bench 5. Two Wilson’s snipes flew over the trail and there were several cedar waxwings in a couple of pine trees. Waterfowl included American black duck, Canada goose, gadwall, bufflehead, mute swan (6), and pied-billed grebe. Other birds seen included yellow-rumped warbler, hairy woodpecker, golden-crowned kinglet, brown-headed nuthatch, great blue heron, northern harrier, belted kingfisher, and Carolina chickadee. Large numbers (hundreds) of snow geese flew high overhead towards the beach. Our second stop was at the Fishing Pier. Some of the birds we saw here included surf scoter, black scoter, horned grebe, Forster’s tern, common loon, bufflehead, sanderling, great black-backed gull, and double-crested cormorant.

MY PHOTOS: golden-crowned kinglet, surf scoter, common loon, cedar waxwing, yellow-rumped warbler, great blue heron, northern harrier, belted kingfisher


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